Arch of Septimius Severus, 203 CE  
Sala della Lupa, 5th Century BCE
Randy studies a dying Gaul

The Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica
Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1508 CE
Michelangelo, The Pieta, 1499 CE
Laocoon, 2nd Century BCE
Top-of-the-dome views of The Vatican, inside and out
Aqueduct at Villa dei Quintili via The Appian Way
Teatro di Marcello, 11 BCE
Domus Aurea, Palace of Nero, 65 CE
Catacombs of San Sebastiano
Tomb of Saint Sebastiano, Memoria Apostolorum
Baths, Terme di Caracalla, 3rd Century CE
Arch di Constantine, 4th Century CE
Basilica of Saint Paul
Santa Maria Maggiore, 1750 CE
Rays of Saint Paul
Temple of Portunus, Republican Era
Fontana di Trevi at night
The Pantheon at night
Largo Argentina, 2nd Century CE
Ciao, Roma...
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